Friday, July 9, 2010

Accompaniment to a Great Song

In my status as a third world musician, to own a Martin Guitar is a luxury and an elusive dream. Senior musicians, who speak highly of the guitar, described Martin as if it is a legend; something that was made only for the rich and famous; an instrument suits only for the advance and worthy guitar players; something someone like me, a trying hard pretender, can only dream of and can never have.
But Providence was kind. Because many years ago in Olongapo City's downtown, a keyboard player and a tough chess opponent (Raul) sold his Sigma Martin acoustic guitar 
to me for five hundred pesos. I presumed that he doesn't know much about acoustic guitar as I know nothing about keyboards. It was a deal made in heaven, and he didn't notice my excitement and how hard I tried to control the trembling of my hands when I gave him the money and grab his guitar.
It was my day off and it should have been an easy day for me.  I was there at "Magsaysay Drive" for a relaxing walk, but the incident puffs up my adrenalin and sent me home almost running.
Although at that time I was a folksinger who owns and plays a couple of acoustic guitars, I thought that all of my guitars sound the same without any significant distinction. But when I played my newly bought franchised Martin, I was amazed; because the guitar seems to play by itself. What I mean is, for a guitar to sound great, the player should apply the exact amount of force against the string to achieve the desired result. Control, experience, knowledge and musical taste are needed in order for a player to come out with exemplary sound. With Martin the need for those elements and endeavor is greatly reduce because with less effort it can produce wonderful notes.  
"His melody is controlled and heartfelt. His harmony is deep and intact. When he shouts, his voice is gently clear; and it travels subtlety far. And his rhythm is solid and deeply rooted."
From that day, whenever I play and sing with my Martin I am confident that I am with a pro. I can concentrate on my singing; because my accompaniment, my guitar, was doing a great job for me.
That was the beginning of my long and happy relationship with my Martin that ended, of course, like any typical relationship in this world, in tragedy. Thanks to some of my closest friends who made it happened and helped me remember the reality and nature of this world. My consolation is that I know that my Martin is in good hands; it will be an accompaniment to a "great song", which is far greater than what I do.                                                                           

NOTE: When I narrated this story to one of my closest friends, he told me that my Martin will be back. I don't expect it to happen, and I had given up even a tinge of desire to have it back. But there is a need, and Providence responded. And on Christmas of 2010, he did came back; and like a long lost friend, I held him close in my heart and arms. 

And to brother Gokula das, the word "thank you" is not enough to express my joy and gratitude                           
This video is so far my first and only video of me and my Sigma Martin Guitar.

1 comment:

  1. It's obvious, for me the best acoustic guitar is Martin; what is yours?
