Promises are made to be
broken” and beggars have no right to complain. This craving is not a need but
want, not love but only a passing desire. "You'll have it by all
means" my giver said; he also told me to wait. But waiting is one thing
that I hate most. Unlike the song, I can't wait forever. Experience taught me
not to expect, and if I really have to expect, I have to expect the worst. To
expect in nothing is the worst expectation. Nevertheless, I am also a firm
believer of destiny, mercy and karma or reaction of action. I know that what is
mine is mine no matter what, and i cannot have what is not mine. Music, at
least my music, is about patience, dream, inner joy, love, and giving expecting
nothing in return. Nothingness, I’ve learned, is a complex and extreme state of
existence. Its associates are detachment, lowliness, servitude, sacrifice... It
is the sister of humility, the mother of all virtue. The virtue that is so
attractive to the one called God, the controller of everything, The Supreme
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